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Braz. j. biol ; 84: e252952, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1355913


Abstract The main purpose of this study was to find out a possible association between ABO blood groups or Rh and diabetes mellitus (DM) in the local population of eight (8) different towns of Karachi, Pakistan. For this purpose a survey was carried out in Karachi to have a practical observation of these towns during the period of 9 months from June 2019 to Feb. 2020. Out of eighteen (18) towns of Karachi, samples (N= 584) were collected from only eight (8) Towns of Karachi and gave a code-number to each town. Diabetic group sample was (n1=432) & pre-diabetes sample was (n2 =152). A standard Abbot Company Glucometer for Random Blood Sugar (RBS) and Fasting Blood Sugar (FBS) tests, standard blood anti sera were used for ABO/Rh blood type. Health assessment techniques were performed ethically by taking informed consent from all registered subjects. Finally data was analyzed by SPSS version 20.0. In our current study, the comparison of ABO blood groups frequencies between diabetic and pre-diabetic individuals were carried out. The percentage values of blood Group-B as given as: (32% in DM vs. 31% in pre-diabetics), followed by blood Group-O as: (18% in DM vs. 11% in pre-diabetics). Contrary to Group-"B" & "O", blood Group-A and Group-AB were distribution percentage higher pre-diabetic as compared to DM patients, as given as: Group-A (32% in pre-diabetics vs. 26% in DM) & Group-AB (26% in pre-diabetics vs. 24% in diabetic's patients). In addition, percentage distribution of Rh system was also calculated, in which Rh+ve Group was high and more common in DM patients as compared to pre-diabetics; numerically given as: Rh+ve Group (80% in DM vs. 72% in pre-diabetics). Different views and dimensions of the research topic were studied through literature support, some have found no any association and some established a positive association still some were not clear in making a solid conclusion. It is concluded that DM has a positive correlation with ABO blood groups, and people with Group-B have increased susceptibility to DM disease.

Resumo O objetivo principal deste estudo foi descobrir uma possível associação entre grupos sanguíneos ABO ou Rh e diabetes mellitus (DM) na população local de oito (8) diferentes cidades de Karachi, Paquistão. Para tanto, foi realizado um levantamento em Karachi para observação prática dessas cidades durante o período de 9 meses de junho de 2019 a fevereiro de 2020.De dezoito (18) cidades de Karachi, as amostras (N = 584) foram coletadas de apenas oito (8) cidades de Karachi e deram um número-código para cada cidade. A amostra do grupo de diabéticos foi (n1 = 432) e a amostra de pré-diabetes foi (n2 = 152). Um glicômetro padrão da Abbot Company para testes de açúcar no sangue aleatório (RBS) e açúcar no sangue em jejum (FBS), antissoros de sangue padrão foram usados ​​para o tipo de sangue ABO / Rh. As técnicas de avaliação de saúde foram realizadas de forma ética, tomando o consentimento informado de todos os indivíduos registrados. Finalmente, os dados foram analisados ​​pelo SPSS versão 20.0.No presente estudo, foi realizada a comparação das frequências dos grupos sanguíneos ABO entre diabéticos e pré-diabéticos. Os valores percentuais do sangue do Grupo-B são dados como: (32% em DM vs. 31% em pré-diabéticos), seguido pelo sangue do Grupo-O como: (18% em DM vs. 11% em pré-diabéticos). Ao contrário dos Grupos "B" e "O", sangue do Grupo-A e Grupo-AB tiveram distribuição percentual maior de pré-diabéticos em comparação com pacientes com DM, dado como: Grupo-A (32% em pré-diabéticos vs. 26% em DM) e Grupo AB (26% em pré-diabéticos vs. 24% em pacientes diabéticos). Além disso, também foi calculada a distribuição percentual do sistema Rh, no qual o Grupo Rh + ve foi elevado e mais comum em pacientes com DM em comparação aos pré-diabéticos; dados numericamente como: Grupo Rh + ve (80% em DM vs. 72% em pré-diabéticos). Diferentes visões e dimensões do tema de pesquisa foram estudadas com o suporte da literatura, alguns não encontraram nenhuma associação e alguns estabeleceram uma associação positiva, embora alguns não estivessem claros em fazer uma conclusão sólida. Conclui-se que o DM tem correlação positiva com os grupos sanguíneos ABO, e as pessoas com o Grupo B têm maior suscetibilidade à doença DM.

Humans , Rh-Hr Blood-Group System , Diabetes Mellitus/epidemiology , Pakistan/epidemiology , ABO Blood-Group System , Cities
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 29(3): e04302023, 2024. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534172


Resumo O estudo analisou os itinerários terapêuticos relacionados à saúde bucal de adultos quilombolas de um distrito rural de Vitória da Conquista, Bahia. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, na qual foram realizadas dez entrevistas semiestruturadas com adultos quilombolas em maio de 2021, transcritas e analisadas por meio da análise de conteúdo. Os resultados evidenciaram ausência e/ou precariedade na higiene bucal em alguma fase da vida, especialmente infância e adolescência; utilização de práticas populares para cuidado a saúde bucal e experiências de cuidado profissional marcados pela exodontia. A utilização de serviços de saúde foi relatada, em sua maioria, apenas no período anterior à pandemia de COVID-19, os entrevistados divergiram quanto à percepção de facilidade do acesso aos serviços de saúde em sua comunidade. Os relatos sobre a satisfação da saúde bucal destacaram a necessidade de uso ou substituição de próteses dentárias. À guisa de conclusão, entende-se que é necessária a promoção de saúde bucal de forma articulada com ações que possibilitem a prevenção de agravos, a reabilitação odontológica e a valorização do conhecimento e da visão de mundo da população quilombola.

Abstract This study examined the oral health-related therapeutic itineraries of quilombola adults in a rural district of Vitória da Conquista, Bahia. This qualitative study involved ten semi-structured interviews of adult members of the quilombola community, in May 2021, which were then transcribed and analysed using content analysis. The results showed little or poor oral hygiene at some stage of life, especially in childhood and adolescence, the use of popular oral health care practices, and experiences of professional care featuring tooth extraction. Use of health services was mostly reported only in the period prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. Responses as to perceived ease of access to health services in the community varied. One common complaint as to satisfaction with oral health was the need to use or replace dental prostheses. This study concluded that oral health must be promoted jointly with disease prevention, dental rehabilitation and recognition for the knowledge and worldview of the quilombola population.

Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 29(3): e01602023, 2024. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534179


Resumo Este artigo teve como objetivo mapear os itinerários terapêuticos no cuidado em saúde em comunidades quilombolas rurais no norte de Minas Gerais, Brasil. Trata-se de um recorte de uma pesquisa qualitativa realizada em seis comunidades visitadas. Os dados foram produzidos por meio de 18 entrevistas individuais, analisados pelo referencial teórico-metodológico dos itinerários terapêuticos e organizados em três temas empíricos. As narrativas permitiram a compreensão dos percursos trilhados no cuidado em saúde pela população quilombola, a identificação dos componentes do subsistema popular (recursos naturais, o uso de chás e remédios caseiros), do subsistema familiar (transmissão de conhecimentos e herança cultural de cuidados), e do subsistema profissional (nível hospitalar, cuidados médicos, atenção primária e especializada). As dificuldades de acesso não decorrem apenas das distâncias geográficas, envolvem aspectos mais amplos da determinação social, como o racismo institucional, a baixa oferta de serviços, a necessidade de pagamento para deslocamentos e procedimentos médicos. Nesse sentido, fazem-se necessárias uma abordagem e intervenções das políticas públicas frente às desigualdades étnico-raciais, econômicas e de acesso aos serviços de cuidado em saúde.

Abstract This article aimed to map therapeutic itineraries in health care within rural Quilombola communities in the north of Minas Gerais, Brazil. This is a section of a qualitative research conducted in six visited communities. The data was collected through 18 individual interviews, analyzed using the theoretical-methodological framework of Therapeutic Itineraries, and organized into three empirical themes. The narratives allowed for understanding the paths taken in health care by the Quilombola population, identifying the components of the popular subsystem (natural resources, the use of teas and home remedies), the family subsystem (transmission of knowledge and cultural heritage of care), and the professional subsystem (hospital level, medical care, primary and specialized attention). The difficulties of access are not only due to geographical distances, but also broader aspects of social determination, such as institutional racism, low availability of services, the need for payment for transportation and medical procedures. In this sense, it is necessary to have an approach and interventions from public policies to address ethnic-racial, economic, and access inequalities in health care services.

Saúde Soc ; 33(1): e220754pt, 2024. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536868


Resumo A saúde da população negra (SPN) pode ser compreendida simultaneamente como campo de estudos, de intervenção social e de domínio cultural. Essa complexa esfera de conhecimento e prática surgiu imbricada com demandas de movimentos sociais e de profissionais, sobretudo de mulheres negras, com a finalidade de enfrentar problemas concretos de saúde pública. Como campo de estudos, ainda é incipiente a produção científica no Brasil. Dado esse contexto, conduzimos esta investigação com o objetivo de demonstrar como tem se estruturado a produção sobre SPN no país nas últimas três décadas. Trata-se de uma revisão sistemática integrativa, que visa a síntese e a análise do conhecimento científico já produzido sobre esse tema. Selecionamos 400 trabalhos publicados entre 1998 e 2020 e analisamos a evolução do volume de produção, seus lócus (estados, instituições, áreas científicas e abrangência territorial), temáticas e metodologias, bem como alguns desses intercruzamentos. Como resultado, encontramos um aumento notório do volume de pesquisas mais recentemente, em um campo interdisciplinar e com maior diversidade temática em relação aos estudos pioneiros. Essa evolução pode apontar um processo de consolidação do campo de estudos sobre saúde e raça no Brasil, ainda que os sinais apresentados sejam ambíguos.

Abstract Black population health (BPH) can be understood, at the same time, as a field of study, of social intervention, and of cultural domain. This complex sphere of knowledge and practice emerged from the demands of social movements, especially those of black women, to face concrete public health problems. As a field of study, scientific production in Brazil is still incipient. Given this context, we conducted this investigation to demonstrate how the production on BPH has been structured in Brazil in the last three decades. This is an integrative systematic review that aims to synthesize and analyze the scientific knowledge already produced on this topic. We selected 400 works among articles, theses, and dissertations published between 1998 and 2020 and analyzed the evolution of the production volume, its locus (states, institutions, scientific areas, and territorial scope of the studies), themes and methodologies, as well as some of these intercrossing. As a result, we found a notable increase in the research volume in recent years, in an interdisciplinary field with wide thematic diversity in relation to pioneer studies. This evolution may point to a process of consolidation of the field of studies on health and race in Brazil, even if the signs presented are ambiguous.

Psicol. USP ; 352024.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1537984


O propósito deste artigo é refletir sobre os conceitos de transferência e contratransferência, articulando-os com a dimensão clínica do lugar do observador no trabalho em grupos terapêuticos. Inicialmente, será feito um percurso histórico sobre tais conceitos na psicanálise. Posteriormente, a noção de transferência será discutida como um vínculo que pode se manifestar pela via da expressão corporal e sensorialidade, enquanto a contratransferência será analisada a partir do campo da intersubjetividade. Esses aspectos serão ilustrados por duas vinhetas clínicas

This paper reflects on the concepts of transference and countertransference in articulation with the clinical dimension of the observer's place in therapeutic groups. After a brief historical overview of these concepts in psychoanalysis, the notion of transference is discussed as a link that can manifest itself via bodily and sensorially. Countertransference, in turn, will be analyzed based on intersubjectivity. These aspects will be illustrated by two clinical vignettes

Cet article reflète aux concepts de transfert et de contre-transfert en articulation avec la dimension clinique de la place de l'observateur dans les groupes thérapeutiques. D'après un aperçu historique de ces concepts en psychanalyse, on discute la notion de transfert en tant que lien qui peut se manifester par l'expression corporelle et la sensorialité. Le contre-transfert, à son tour, sera analysé à partir du domaine de l'intersubjectivité. Ces aspects seront illustrés par deux vignettes cliniques

El propósito de este artículo es reflexionar sobre los conceptos de transferencia y contratransferencia articulándolos con la dimensión clínica del lugar del observador en el trabajo con grupos terapéuticos. Inicialmente, se hará un recorrido histórico sobre tales conceptos en el psicoanálisis. Posteriormente, la noción de transferencia será discutida como vínculo que puede manifestarse por la expresión corporal y la sensorialidad, mientras que la contratransferencia será analizada a partir del campo de la intersubjetividad. Estos aspectos serán ilustrados por dos viñetas clínicas

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Psychotherapy, Group , Transference, Psychology , Observation
Braz. j. biol ; 842024.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1469312


Abstract The main purpose of this study was to find out a possible association between ABO blood groups or Rh and diabetes mellitus (DM) in the local population of eight (8) different towns of Karachi, Pakistan. For this purpose a survey was carried out in Karachi to have a practical observation of these towns during the period of 9 months from June 2019 to Feb. 2020. Out of eighteen (18) towns of Karachi, samples (N= 584) were collected from only eight (8) Towns of Karachi and gave a code-number to each town. Diabetic group sample was (n1=432) & pre-diabetes sample was (n2 =152). A standard Abbot Company Glucometer for Random Blood Sugar (RBS) and Fasting Blood Sugar (FBS) tests, standard blood anti sera were used for ABO/Rh blood type. Health assessment techniques were performed ethically by taking informed consent from all registered subjects. Finally data was analyzed by SPSS version 20.0. In our current study, the comparison of ABO blood groups frequencies between diabetic and pre-diabetic individuals were carried out. The percentage values of blood Group-B as given as: (32% in DM vs. 31% in pre-diabetics), followed by blood Group-O as: (18% in DM vs. 11% in pre-diabetics). Contrary to Group-B & O, blood Group-A and Group-AB were distribution percentage higher pre-diabetic as compared to DM patients, as given as: Group-A (32% in pre-diabetics vs. 26% in DM) & Group-AB (26% in pre-diabetics vs. 24% in diabetics patients). In addition, percentage distribution of Rh system was also calculated, in which Rh+ve Group was high and more common in DM patients as compared to pre-diabetics; numerically given as: Rh+ve Group (80% in DM vs. 72% in pre-diabetics). Different views and dimensions of the research topic were studied through literature support, some have found no any association and some established a positive association still some were not clear in making a solid conclusion. It is concluded that DM has a positive correlation with ABO blood groups, and people with Group-B have increased susceptibility to DM disease.

Resumo O objetivo principal deste estudo foi descobrir uma possível associação entre grupos sanguíneos ABO ou Rh e diabetes mellitus (DM) na população local de oito (8) diferentes cidades de Karachi, Paquistão. Para tanto, foi realizado um levantamento em Karachi para observação prática dessas cidades durante o período de 9 meses de junho de 2019 a fevereiro de 2020.De dezoito (18) cidades de Karachi, as amostras (N = 584) foram coletadas de apenas oito (8) cidades de Karachi e deram um número-código para cada cidade. A amostra do grupo de diabéticos foi (n1 = 432) e a amostra de pré-diabetes foi (n2 = 152). Um glicômetro padrão da Abbot Company para testes de açúcar no sangue aleatório (RBS) e açúcar no sangue em jejum (FBS), antissoros de sangue padrão foram usados para o tipo de sangue ABO / Rh. As técnicas de avaliação de saúde foram realizadas de forma ética, tomando o consentimento informado de todos os indivíduos registrados. Finalmente, os dados foram analisados pelo SPSS versão 20.0.No presente estudo, foi realizada a comparação das frequências dos grupos sanguíneos ABO entre diabéticos e pré-diabéticos. Os valores percentuais do sangue do Grupo-B são dados como: (32% em DM vs. 31% em pré-diabéticos), seguido pelo sangue do Grupo-O como: (18% em DM vs. 11% em pré-diabéticos). Ao contrário dos Grupos B e O, sangue do Grupo-A e Grupo-AB tiveram distribuição percentual maior de pré-diabéticos em comparação com pacientes com DM, dado como: Grupo-A (32% em pré-diabéticos vs. 26% em DM) e Grupo AB (26% em pré-diabéticos vs. 24% em pacientes diabéticos). Além disso, também foi calculada a distribuição percentual do sistema Rh, no qual o Grupo Rh + ve foi elevado e mais comum em pacientes com DM em comparação aos pré-diabéticos; dados numericamente como: Grupo Rh + ve (80% em DM vs. 72% em pré-diabéticos). Diferentes visões e dimensões do tema de pesquisa foram estudadas com o suporte da literatura, alguns não encontraram nenhuma associação e alguns estabeleceram uma associação positiva, embora alguns não estivessem claros em fazer uma conclusão sólida. Conclui-se que o DM tem correlação positiva com os grupos sanguíneos ABO, e as pessoas com o Grupo B têm maior suscetibilidade à doença DM.

Acta Medica Philippina ; : 1-12, 2024.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1006392


Background@#As social media continue to grow as popular and convenient tools for acquiring and disseminating health information, the need to investigate its utilization by laypersons encountering common medical issues becomes increasingly essential. @*Objectives@#This study aimed to analyze the content posted in Facebook groups for Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency and how these engage the members of the group. @*Methods@#This study employed an inductive content analysis of user-posted content in both public and private Facebook groups catering specifically to G6PD deficiency. The G6PD Facebook groups with 10 or more posts within the past 12 months were selected for this study. Data were harvested from posts and comments using ExportComment. @*Results@#A total of 46 G6PD-related Facebook groups were identified. Of which, 19 were public and 27 were private groups, with an average membership of 5000-6000 accounts. After eligibility based on criteria and authorization for private groups, 3 public and 3 private groups were included, with the majority of these groups focused on sharing information. Five main themes of posted content were identified: diagnosis, management, beliefs, psychosocial factors, and medical requirements. “Diagnosis”-related posts referred to conversations about the causes and symptoms of G6PD, “management” referred to medication or diet, “beliefs” involved traditional or lay perceptions, “psychosocial factors” referred to posts that disclosed how psychosocial factors influenced G6PD deficiency practices, and “medical requirements” referred to documentation regarding the condition. The bulk of these posts used three strategies for communication: information-requesting, self-disclosure, and promotion of products/services. Information requests were the most common. @*Conclusion@#The results of the study showed opportunities and challenges in health education on G6PD, especially in evaluating the credibility and accuracy of the information given and received. Looking at the content and manner of communicating information noted, the newborn screening program may improve its advocacy and education campaign, and may develop targeted educational materials and effective dissemination strategies that could clarify, explain, or refute information and beliefs mostly shared on these platforms.

Glucosephosphate Dehydrogenase Deficiency , Self-Help Groups
China Pharmacy ; (12): 166-171, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1006173


OBJECTIVE To investigate the improvement effects of glycyrrhizin (GL) on Helicobacter pylori (HP)-associated gastritis in rats and its mechanism. METHODS HP-associated gastritis rat model was induced by inoculating with 1×109 cfu/mL HP. The model rats were randomly divided into model group, positive control group (HP standard quadruple group), GL low-dose, medium-dose and high-dose groups (5, 20, 50 mg/kg), with 12 rats in each group. Another 12 healthy rats were selected as normal control group. Except the normal control group and model group were given constant volume of normal saline intragastrically, the other groups were given corresponding drugs intragastrically, once a day, for 30 consecutive days. After administration, rats received 13C urea breath test, and delta-over-baseline (DOB) was recorded; the pathological and cellular morphological changes of gastric mucosa in rats were observed, and pathological scoring was performed; the levels of interleukin-8 (IL-8), IL-1β, tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), reactive oxygen species (ROS) and malondialdehyde (MDA) were detected in gastric mucosa of rats; mRNA expressions of high mobility group box-1 protein (HMGB1) and nuclear factor-κ-B (NF-κB), relative expressions of nitric oxide synthases (iNOS) and HMGB1, the phosphorylation level of NF- κBp65 were also detected in rats. RESULTS Compared with normal control group, the DOB value, histopathological score of gastric mucosa, the levels of IL-8, IL-1β, TNF-α, ROS and MDA, relative expressions of HMGB1 and NF- κB mRNA, relative expressions of iNOS and HMGB1 protein and the phosphorylation level of NF-κB p65 were all increased significantly in model group (P<0.05); the epithelial cells of gastric mucosa in rats were incomplete in structure and decreased in the number, with an increase in cell fragments and vacuoles, and significant cell pyknosis. Compared with model group, the changes of the above indexes in GL groups and positive control group were significantly reversed (P<0.05); the changes in the above indicators in the GL high-dose group were more significant than GL low-dose and medium-dose groups (P<0.05); the pathological changes of gastric mucosal cells in rats had all improved. CONCLUSIONS GL may inhibit inflammation and oxidative stress by inhibiting the activation of HMGB1/NF-κB pathway, thus relieving HP-induced gastric mucosal injury.

Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine ; (12): 50-54, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1005110


This paper summarized the key points and methods in terms of the establishment of the guideline working group and the management of conflict of interests, trying to provide reference for the development of clinical practice guidelines for Chinese patent medicine (CPM). The establishment of the working group is the first important step for developing CPM guidelines. Considering the characteristics of the clinical practice guidelines for CPM, this study suggests that the three key elements of ‘multidisciplinarity’, ‘clinical relevance’ and ‘geographical representativeness’ should be put focus on when forming the working group. The guideline advisory committee, clinical expert group, evidence systematic evaluation group, secretary group and the external review group should be established. All group members should clarify the conflict of interest, and the process and management method of the conflict of interest should be clearly reported.

International Eye Science ; (12): 18-23, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1003499


AIM: To explore the dynamic expression of high mobility group box 1(HMGB1)in scar tissues after glaucoma drainage valve implantation, and to further reveal the role and possible mechanism of HMGB1 in scarring after glaucoma surgery.METHODS: A total of 60 New Zealand white rabbits were randomly divided into control group(n=20), model group(n=20, silicone implantation under conjunctival sac)and model with drug administration group(n=20, silicone implantation under conjunctival sac combined with 5-fluorouracil injection). The conjunctival tissues were collected at 4 and 8 wk after surgery. HE staining and Masson staining were used to detect the proliferation and distribution of fibroblasts and collagen fibers in conjunctival tissues. Immunohistochemistry was utilized to detect the distribution and changes of HMGB1, transforming growth factor(TGF)-β1, Smad3 and α-smooth muscle actin(SMA)in conjunctival tissues. RT-PCR and Western blot were adopted to detect the mRNA and protein expression of HMGB1, TGF-β1, Smad3 and α-SMA in conjunctival tissues.RESULTS: HE staining and Masson staining showed that the proliferation of inflammatory cells, fibroblasts and collagen fibers in the model group was significantly higher than that in the control group at both 4 and 8 wk. Meanwhile, the proliferation of fibroblasts and collagen fibers in the model with drug administration group was significantly lower than that in the model group. Immunohistochemical staining showed that the expression of HMGB1, TGF-β1, Smad3 and α-SMA protein was observed in the conjunctival tissues of the model group both 4 and 8 wk, with brown and significantly deeper staining of the model group at 8 wk. Meanwhile, the positive staining in the model with drug administration group at both 4 and 8 wk was significantly lower than that in the model group. There was positive correlations between the number of fibroblasts stained with HE and the expression of HMGB1 in the conjunctival tissue of the model group at both 4 and 8 wk(r=0.602, 0.703, all P<0.05). RT-PCR and Western blot revealed that the mRNA and protein expression levels of HMGB1, TGF-β1, Smad3 and α-SMA in the model group were significantly higher than those in the control group at both 4 and 8 wk(all P<0.05). Meanwhile, the mRNA and protein expression levels of HMGB1, TGF-β1, Smad3 and α-SMA in the model with drug administration group were significantly lower than those in the model group(all P<0.05). There was positive correlations between mRNA expressions of HMGB1 and TGF-β1, Smad3 in the model group and the model with drug administration group(all P<0.05).CONCLUSION: The expression of HMGB1 increased at a time-dependent manner after glaucoma valve implantation. HMGB1 acts an indispensable role in the initiation and progression of scar formation after glaucoma surgery, which may be involved in the regulation of TGF-β/Smad signaling pathway.

Chinese Journal of Experimental Traditional Medical Formulae ; (24): 103-111, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-999166


ObjectiveTo observe the effect of Tongxie Yaofang on the function of tumor-related natural killer (NK) cells under chronic stress and explore the possible molecular mechanism. MethodFifty SPF-grade BABL/C male mice were randomized into normal, model, and low-, medium-, and high-dose (6.825, 13.65, and 27.3 g·kg-1, respectively) Tongxie Yaofang groups, with 10 mice in each group. Other groups except the blank group were subjected to 7 days of chronic restraint stress, and then forced swimming and tail suspension tests were carried out to evaluate the modeling performance. After the successful modeling, rats in Tongxie Yaofang groups were administrated with low-, medium-, and high-doses of Tongxie Yaofang by gavage, while those in the other groups were administrated with normal saline by gavage. After 14 days, each group of mice was inoculated with subcutaneous colon cancer to establish the model of colon cancer under chronic stress. The pathological changes of the tumor tissue in each group of mice were observed using hematoxylin-eosin (HE) staining. The content of CD49b-positive cells in the peripheral blood and tumor tissue of mice was measured by flow cytometry. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was employed to measure the content of molecules associated with NK cell activation in the peripheral blood. Western blot was employed to determine the protein levels of major histocompatibility complex class Ⅰ polypeptide-related sequences A and B (MICA+MICB) and UL-16-binding protein 1 (ULBP1) in the tumor tissue. ResultCompared with the normal group, the model group showed a decrease in 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) content and an increase in corticosterone (CORT) content in the serum (P<0.05). Compared with the model group, Tongxie Yaofang increased the 5-HT content and decreased the CORT content (P<0.05, P<0.01). Compared with the normal group, the modeling increased the tumor volume and weight (P<0.05), while Tongxie Yaofang inhibited such increases with no statistical significance. The tumor cells in the model group presented neat arrangement, irregular shape, uneven size, obvious atypia, common nuclear division, and small necrotic area, and blood vessels were abundant surrounding the tumor cells. Compared with the model group, Tongxie Yaofang groups showed sparse arrangement of tumor cells, different degrees of patchy necrosis areas in the tumor, and karyorrhexis, dissolution, and nuclear debris in the necrotic part. Compared with the normal group, the model group showed reduced CD49b-positive cells in the peripheral blood and tumor tissue (P<0.01). Compared with the model group, Tongxie Yaofang increased CD49b-positive cells (medium dose P<0.01, high dose P<0.05, P<0.01). Compared with the normal group, the modeling lowered the serum levels of granzymes-B (Gzms-B), perforin (PF), interferon (IFN)-γ, and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α (P<0.05, P<0.01). Compared with the model group, low-dose Tongxie Yaofang elevated the serum levels of PF, Gzms-B, and TNF-α (P<0.05, P<0.01), and medium-dose Tongxie Yaofang elevated the serum levels of Gzms-B, PF, IFN-γ, and TNF-α (P<0.05, P<0.01). In addition, high-dose Tongxie Yaofang elevated the serum levels of PF, IFN-γ, and TNF-α (P<0.01). Compared with the normal group, the model group presented down-regulated protein level of ULBP1 (P<0.05). Compared with the model group, low-, medium-, and high-dose Tongxie Yaofang up-regulated the protein level of ULBP1 (P<0.05, P<0.01), and medium- and high-dose Tongxie Yaofang up-regulated the protein level of MICA+MICB (P<0.05, P<0.01). ConclusionTongxie Yaofang may promote NK cell activation by up-regulating the expression of MICA+MICB and ULBP1, thereby delaying the progression of colon cancer under chronic stress.

Vínculo ; 20(2): 107-115, 20230000.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1532528


Grupos psicoterapêuticos encontram crescente receptividade nos serviços públicos e privados de saúde. Eles conjugam a expansão da capacidade de atendimento com atuação clínica crítica e propositiva frente ao individualismo da sociedade contemporânea. É importante assim pensarmos os desafios da formação dos psicólogos para este trabalho. Este artigo parte de uma dificuldade encontrada por estagiários de 4° e 5° ano do curso de psicologia, na condução de um grupo psicoterapêutico. Coloca-se como objetivo analisar a relação entre um pacto denegativo que obstaculiza o processo terapêutico com as experiências iniciais de atendimento dos estagiários. Aspectos vivenciados serão apresentados e debatidos à luz da teoria. Descreve-se a existência de um pacto denegativo neste grupo, que se opõe ao processo terapêutico dos pacientes e complexifica o desenvolvimento dos estagiários ao desafiar a confiança em suas percepções e associações, dificultando a realização de intervenções. Conclui-se que o pacto denegativo que obstaculiza o grupo se apresenta, a princípio, como um desafio aos estagiários, porém, mediante o apoio na relação entre os estagiários e supervisão é possível transformar este desafio em fonte de aprendizado.

Grupos psicoterapéuticos son cada vez más recibidos en los servicios de salud. Combinan la expansión de la capacidad de servicio con una acción clínica crítica y decidida frente al individualismo de la sociedad contemporánea. Es importante pensar en los desafíos de formar psicólogos para este trabajo. Este artículo se basa en una dificultad que enfrentan los pasantes de 4° y 5° año de psicología al momento de conducir un grupo psicoterapéutico. El objetivo es analizar la relación entre un pacto negativo que obstruye el proceso terapéutico y las experiencias de cuidado de los internos. Se debatirán experiencias y la teoría. Se describe la existencia de un pacto negativo, que se opone al proceso terapéutico de los pacientes e intensifica el desafío de los alumnos al desafiar la confianza en sus percepciones y asociaciones, lo que dificulta la realización de intervenciones. Se concluye que el pacto negativo que obstaculiza al grupo se presenta, en un primer momento, como un reto para los aprendices, sin embargo, a través del apoyo en la relación entre los aprendices y la supervisión es posible transformar este reto en una fuente de aprendizaje.

Psychotherapeutic groups are increasingly employed in health services. They combine the expansion of the service capacity with critical and purposeful clinical action in face of the individualism of contemporary society. It is important to think about the challenges of training psychologists for this work. This article is based on a difficulty encountered by 4th and 5th year psychology students, acting as trainees, when conducting a psychotherapeutic group. The objective is to analyze the relationship between a denegative pact that obstructs the therapeutic process and the trainees' initial clinical experience. This text debates aspects of this practice in light of theory. It describes a denegative pact in this group, which opposes the patients' therapeutic process and intensifies the trainees' challenge by challenging the trust in their perceptions and associations, making it more difficult for them to find spaces to intervene. It concludes that the negative pact that hinders the group presents itself, in principle, as a challenge to the trainees, however, through support in the relationship between the trainees and supervision it is possible to transform this challenge into a source of learning.

Humans , Psychoanalysis , Psychotherapy, Group
Vínculo ; 20(2): 97-106, 20230000.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1532525


A partir do bicentenário da Independência do Brasil inúmeros trabalhos de revisão histórica surgiram com a comemoração da data. No entanto, de qual história estamos falando, ou melhor, qual história nos foi contada, por quem e de que forma? Diante dessas inquietações, se questiona como se poderia, através do trabalho de grupo, trazer a conhecimento fatos da história do povo brasileiro que foram sombreados, distorcidos e invisibilizados. O Desvelar, um processo grupal que está em andamento, possui até 14 participantes e tem como constituinte mais importante depoimentos dos participantes (acerca das vivências de apagamento, violência e injustiça). Os encontros tiveram início com a discussão sobre o Projeto Querino (visão afrocentrada da história do Brasil). Este pode ser entendido como objeto mediador para facilitar melhor o conhecimento da história. Conhecendo melhor a história, vamos entender por que somos o que somos hoje. Conhecer seu lugar, sua história, seus condicionantes e seu potencial, levam a um pensamento livre.

Since the bicentennial of Brazil's Independence, numerous historical revisions works emerged with the commemoration of the date. However, what story are we talking about, or rather, what story was told to us, by whom and in what way? Faced with these concerns, it is questioned how it could, through group work, bring to light facts of the history of the Brazilian people that were shaded, distorted and made invisible. The Desvelar, an in progress group process that has up to 14 participants and has as its most important constituent testimonials from the participants (about the experiences of erasure, violence and injustice). The meetings began with a discussion about the Querino Project (Afro-centered view of the history of Brazil). This can be understood as a mediating object, to better facilitate the knowledge of history. Knowing better the history, we will understand why we are what we are today. Knowing our place in the world, our history, our constraints, our potential, leads to a free thinking.

Desde el bicentenario de la Independencia de Brasil, numerosas obras de revisión histórica surgieron con la conmemoración de esa fecha. Sin embargo, de qué historia estamos hablando, o mejor, que historia nos contaron, ¿por quién y de qué manera? Frente a estas preocupaciones, se pregunta cómo se podría, a través del trabajo en grupo, traer al conocimiento hechos de la historia del pueblo brasileño que fueron sombreados, distorsionados e invisibilizados. El Desvelar, un proceso grupal que está en curso, tiene hasta 14 participantes y tiene como componente más importante los testimonios de los participantes (sobre las experiencias de borrado, violencia e injusticia). Las reuniones comenzaron con una discusión sobre el Proyecto Querino (Visión afrocéntrica de la historia de Brasil). Este puede entenderse como un objeto mediador, para facilitar mejor el conocimiento de la historia. Conociendo mejor la historia, entenderemos por qué somos lo que somos hoy. Conocer tu lugar, tu historia, tus limitaciones, tu potencial conduce al pensamiento libre.

Humans , Psychoanalysis
Vínculo ; 20(2): 149-155, 20230000.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1532552


Objetivo: Com esta reflexão a autora pretende contribuir para uma maior compreensão dos fenómenos grupais presentes no trabalho de articulação (inter)institucional dos vários profissionais que intervêm na área da saúde mental comunitária. Metodologia: Partindo da sua experiência a autora reflete sobre as múltiplas formas de resistência que podemos encontrar nos grupos de profissionais que intervêm na área da saúde mental comunitária, nomeadamente as resistências que diretamente se manifestam na articulação de âmbito interinstitucional entre profissionais relacionando, de entre outros, o conceito de anti-grupo, cunhado por Morris Nitsun, com os entraves ao funcionamento destes grupos (inter)institucionais. Resultados: São identificados os fenómenos agressivos e destrutivos que se podem constituir como resistências e proposta a sua origem nos mecanismos psíquicos como a transferência, clivagens, deslocamentos, projeções e identificações projetivas. Conclusões: O pensamento e compreensão grupanalítica do funcionamento dos grupos de trabalho é fundamental para que o potencial agressivo e destrutivo dos grupos não seja desvalorizado, ignorado ou estimulado, contribuindo para o seu sucesso.

Objective: With this reflection, the author intends to contribute to a greater understanding of the group phenomena present in the work of inter-institutional articulation in the field of community mental health. Metodology: Based on her experience, the author reflects on the multiple forms of resistance that we can find in groups of professionals who intervene in the area of community mental health, namely the resistance that directly manifests itself in the inter-institutional articulation between professionals relating, among others, the anti-group concept, coined by Morris Nitsun, with the obstacles to the functioning of these inter-institutional groups. Results: Aggressive and destructive phenomena that can constitute resistances are identified and their origin is proposed in internal mechanisms such as transference, cleavages, projections and projective identifications. Conclusions: A groupanalytic thinking and understanding of the functioning of inter-institutional work groups is essencial so that the aggressive and destructive potential of groups is not devalued, ignored or stimulated, contributing to their success.

Objetivo: Con esta reflexión, el autor pretende contribuir a una mayor comprensión de los fenómenos grupales presentes en el trabajo de articulación interinstitucional en el campo de la salud mental comunitaria. Metodología: A partir de su experiencia, la autora reflexiona sobre las múltiples formas de resistencia que podemos encontrar en los grupos de profesionales que intervienen en el área de la salud mental comunitaria, a saber, la resistencia que se manifiesta directamente en la articulación interinstitucional entre profesionales que se relacionan, entre otros, el concepto de antigrupo, acuñado por Morris Nitsun, con los obstáculos para el funcionamiento de estos grupos interinstitucionales. Resultados: Se identifican fenómenos agressivos y destructivos que pueden constituir resistência y se propone su origen en mecanismos psíquicos como la transferência, escisiones, desplazamientos, proyecciones y identificaciones proyectivas. Conclusiones: El pensamiento grupoanalítico y la comprensión del funcionamento de los grupos de trabajo es fundamental para que el potencial agressivo y destructivo de los grupos no sea devaluado, ignorado o estimulado, contribuyendo a su éxito.

Humans , Patient Care Team , Psychological Phenomena
Vínculo ; 20(2): 116-127, 20230000.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1532539


O uso de recursos artístico-expressivos, muito presente no universo infantil, facilita o acesso a conteúdos inconscientes e promove um ambiente propício para a expressão e elaboração de sentimentos, podendo ser considerado um instrumento para intervenção junto às crianças. Objetivou-se investigar o uso desses recursos em um grupo terapêutico realizado em serviço-escola de Psicologia, atrelado a um trabalho que visava a expressão e compreensão das emoções. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa em Psicologia Clínica, na qual foram realizadas entrevistas iniciais e finais com os responsáveis pelas crianças, além de oito encontros semanais em sessões de uma hora de duração, mediados por histórias infantis, que discorriam sobre identidade, família e emoções, seguidas de atividades expressivas. Os resultados indicam que o uso de recursos artístico-expressivos possibilitou a expressão de emoções, elaboração de vivências e melhora na comunicação, além de promover melhorias nas relações familiares e interpessoais. Considera se tratar de uma via de intervenção pertinente em serviços-escola de Psicologia, haja vista seu potencial na promoção de saúde mental infantil.

The use of artistic-expressive resources, very present in the children's universe, facilitates access to unconscious contents and promotes an environment conducive to the expression and elaboration of feelings, and can be considered an instrument for intervention with children. The objective was to investigate the use of these resources in a therapeutic group held in a Psychology school service, linked to work that aimed at expressing and understanding emotions. In this qualitative research in Clinical Psychology were taken initial and final interviews with those responsible for the children, in addition to eight weekly meetings in one-hour sessions, mediated by children's stories that discussed identity, family and emotions, followed by expressive activities. The results indicate that the use of artistic-expressive resources enabled the expression of emotions, elaboration of experiences and improved communication, in addition to promoting improvements in family and interpersonal relationships. This strategy is therefore considered to be a relevant way of intervention in Psychology school services, given its potential in promoting children's mental health.

El uso de recursos artísticos y expresivos, muy común en el mundo infantil, facilita el acceso a contenidos inconscientes y promueve un ambiente propicio para la expresión y comprensión de sentimientos, lo que lo convierte en una herramienta valiosa para intervenir con niños. El objetivo fue investigar el uso de estos recursos en un grupo terapéutico realizado en un servicio escuela de psicología, en el contexto de un programa destinado a fomentar la expresión y comprensión de las emociones. Llevamos a cabo una investigación cualitativa en Psicología Clínica, que incluyó entrevistas iniciales y finales con los padres de los niños, así como ocho sesiones semanales de una hora de duración. Durante estas sesiones, utilizamos historias infantiles para abordar temas relacionados con la identidad, la familia y las emociones, seguidas de actividades expresivas. Los resultados indican que el uso de recursos artísticos y expresivos posibilitó la expresión de emociones, elaboración de experiencias y mejoró la comunicación, además de promover mejoras en las relaciones familiares e interpersonales. Se considera una vía de intervención relevante en los servicios escuela de psicología, dado su potencial en la promoción de la salud mental infantil.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Art Therapy
Hematol., Transfus. Cell Ther. (Impr.) ; 45(4): 483-494, Oct.-Dec. 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528646


ABSTRACT Objectives: To verify the association between the ABO blood type and the risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection and COVID-19 disease severity. Methods: This review was conducted according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA), using the 2020 PRISMA Checklist and flow diagram, and articles selected for review were analyzed using the Newcastle-Ottawa Quality Rating Scale. The research question was: "Would the ABO blood group influence the risk of infection and clinical course of patients infected with SARS-CoV-2?", The following databases were used: Embase, PubMed, Virtual Health Library (VHL), Web of Science, Science-Direct and Scopus. The protocol for this review was registered in the Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews (PROSPERO), number CRD42021245945. Results: We found 798 articles across PubMed, Embase, Scopus, Web of Science, Science Direct and Virtual Health Library and 54 articles were included in the final analysis. Among 30 studies evaluating the risk of COVID-19 infection, 21 found significant correlations with ABO blood groups, 14 of them revealing an increased risk in blood group A and 15 studies showing a decreased risk in blood group O. Most studies found no significant correlation with disease severity or mortality. Conclusion: The qualitative assessment of available information suggests that blood group A may be a risk factor for COVID-19 infection and that blood group O may have a protective effect. We were unable to determine a clear association between the ABO blood group and mortality. These conclusions are based on highly heterogenous evidence.

Braz. J. Anesth. (Impr.) ; 73(6): 794-809, Nov.Dec. 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1520384


Abstract Background: This study compares Fascia Iliaca compartment (FI) block and Pericapsular Nerve Group (PENG) block for hip surgery. Methods: Pubmed, Embase and Cochrane were systematically searched in April 2022. Inclusion criteria were: Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs); comparing PENG block versus FI block for hip surgery; patients over 18 years of age; and reporting outcomes immediately postoperative. We excluded studies with overlapped populations and without a head-to-head comparison of the PENG block vs. FI block. Mean-Difference (MD) with 95% Confidence Intervals (CI) were pooled. Trial Sequential Analyses (TSA) were performed to assess inconsistency. Quality assessment and risk of bias were performed according to Cochrane recommendations. Results: Eight RCTs comprising 384 patients were included, of whom 196 (51%) underwent PENG block. After hip surgery, PENG block reduced static pain score at 12h post-surgery (MD = 0.61 mm; 95% CI 1.12 to -0.09; p = 0.02) and cumulative postoperative oral morphine consumption in the first 24h (MD = -6.93 mg; 95% CI -13.60 to -0.25; p = 0.04) compared with the FI group. However, no differences were found between the two techniques regarding dynamic and static pain scores at 6 h or 24 h post-surgery, or in the time to the first analgesic rescue after surgery. Conclusion: The findings suggest that PENG block reduced opioid consumption in the first 24 h after surgery and reduced pain scores at rest at 12 h post-surgery. Further research is needed to fully understand the effects of the PENG block and its potential benefits compared to FI block. PROSPERO registration: CRD42022339628 PROSPERO registration: RecordID=339628

Humans , Adolescent , Adult , Femoral Nerve , Nerve Block/methods , Pain, Postoperative/prevention & control , Pain, Postoperative/drug therapy , Randomized Controlled Trials as Topic , Fascia/injuries
Int. j. morphol ; 41(5): 1400-1410, oct. 2023. ilus, tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521011


La dactiloscopía o papiloscopía corresponde al estudio científico de las impresiones digitales, palmares y plantares, que tiene por finalidad la identificación infalible o indubitada del individuo. Existen tres niveles para identificar con mayor certeza nivel 1 (tipo o patrón dactilar), el nivel 2 (minucias o puntos característicos) y el nivel 3 (poroscopia y crestoscopia). Por ello, es necesario analizar las características de las impresiones dactilares directas y las huellas dactilares directas con la finalidad de verificar la presencia de puntos y poros característicos para mejorar el proceso de identificación humana. Se analizaron 80 muestras (54 mujeres y 26 hom- bres). A partir de ellos, se capturaron 800 impresiones y 800 huellas dactilares directas con tampón dactilar y polvo black. En huellas con tampón se identificaron 71.25 % y 1.25 % con 14 y 6 Puntos Característicos respectivamente y en grupos de poros el 84 % y 35 % para un grupo de 1 y grupos de 7 y 8 poros respectivamente. Con polvo black solo se identificaron Puntos Característico y no Poros. La cantidad de poros en hombres fue mayor igual a 10 (LR= 2.08) y en mujeres menor igual a 6 (LR= 1.93). Los grupos de poros fueron para hombres menores o iguales a 12 poros (LR= 1.04) y mayores o iguales a grupos de 13 poros (LR=1.28) para mujeres. Se consiguieron identificar grupos de poros con tampón dactilar pero no con polvos químicos lo que podría emplearse para implementar un protocolo para el uso del nivel 3 de identificación.

SUMMARY: Dactyloscopy or papiloscopy corresponds to the scientific study of digital, palmar and plantar impressions, whose purpose is the infallible or indubitable identification of a subject. There are three levels to identify with greater certainty level 1 (type or fingerprint pattern), level 2 (minutiae or characteristic points) and level 3 (poroscopy and crestoscopy). Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the characteristics of direct fingerprints and direct fingerprints in order to verify the presence of characteristic points and pores to improve the human identification process. 80 samples (54 women and 26 men) were analyzed. Of these, 800 impressions and 800 direct fingerprints with fingerprint buffer and black powder were captured. In footprints with buffer, 71.25 % and 1.25 % were identified with 14 and 6 Characteristic Points respectively and in groups of pores 84 % and 35 % for a group of 1 and groups of 7 and 8 pores respectively. With black powder, only Characteristic Points and no Pores were identified. The number of pores in men was greater than 10 (LR= 2.08) and in women less than 6 (LR= 1.93). The groups of pores were less than or equal to 12 pores (LR= 1.04) for men and greater than or equal to groups of 13 pores (LR=1.28) for women. It was possible to identify groups of pores with a fingerprint buffer but not with chemical powders, which could be used to implement a protocol for the use of level 3 identification.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Forensic Anthropology/methods , Dermatoglyphics , Peru , Pilot Projects
Hematol., Transfus. Cell Ther. (Impr.) ; 45(3): 317-323, July-Sept. 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514173


ABSTRACT Introduction: To date, 340 antigen-organized 43 blood group systems are recognized, being ABO, Rh, Kell, Duffy, Kidd, MNS and Diego the most clinically relevant. The aim of this study was to assess the distribution of alleles and genotypes of the blood group systems Rh, Kell, Duffy, Kidd, MNS and Diego in 810 blood donors registered in the hemotherapy unit in northwest Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil Methods: We evaluated the genetic variability of blood groups Rh (c.676G>C and c.307C>T), Kell (c.578C>T), Kidd (c.838A>G), Duffy (c.125A>G and c.l-67T>C), Diego (c.2561C>T) and MNS (c.143T>C) in 810 volunteer blood donors of Rio Grande do Sul, southern Brazil. The genetic profiling was performed through allelic discrimination assays using hydrolysis probes (TaqMan®) real-time PCR system. Results: The most frequent blood group genotypes found in our study population were: RHC*Cc (51.5%), RHC*ee (70.1%), FY*A/FY*B (49.3%), GATA -67T/T (93.5%), KEL*2/KEL*2 (93.4%), Jk*A/JK*B (53.2%) and DI*02/DI*02 (95.4%). Some statistical differences were observed on comparing the population of this study with populations from other states in Brazil, mainly with population of Minas Gerais, Bahia and Paraná, which showed some differences from the population of Porto Alegre, which was more similar to those of Santa Catarina and São Paulo Conclusion: The frequency of red blood cell polymorphisms in our study is different from that of blood donors in other regions of Brazil. The results showed the importance of extended genotyping in adequate blood screening and the existence of rare genotypes in Brazilian regular blood donors

Rev. Assoc. Med. Bras. (1992, Impr.) ; 69(9): e20230390, set. 2023. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514725


SUMMARY OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to reveal whether there was a possible relationship between the blood group and postoperative atrial fibrillation after off-pump coronary artery bypass grafting. METHODS: Between January 2020 and January 2022, 452 patients undergoing off-pump coronary artery bypass grafting surgery consisted of the research population. Patients were divided into two groups based on the occurrence of new-onset atrial fibrillation from the time of operation until discharge. Group 1 (atrial fibrillation group) had 122 patients, whereas group 2 (non-atrial fibrillation group) contained 350 patients. Patients' baseline clinical characteristics and operative and postoperative data were recorded and then compared between the groups. Moreover, a multivariate logistic regression analysis was also conducted to identify the predictors of postoperative atrial fibrillation. RESULTS: Non-O blood groups were substantially more common in the atrial fibrillation group than in the non-atrial fibrillation group. Patient age differences between the atrial fibrillation and non-atrial fibrillation groups were statistically significant, and patients in the atrial fibrillation group were detected to be older. Mean left atrial diameter, rates of obesity and prior percutaneous coronary intervention history, and perioperative intraaortic balloon pump requirement were significantly greater in the atrial fibrillation group than in the non-atrial fibrillation group. According to logistic regression analysis, blood group, age, left atrial diameter, obesity, and prior percutaneous coronary intervention were identified as predictors of postoperative atrial fibrillation. CONCLUSION: We demonstrated for the first time in the literature that ABO blood type was a novel and significant predictor of new-onset atrial fibrillation after off-pump coronary artery bypass grafting.